The basis for the design of Panamco’s offices was a vintage Coca Cola bottle which is made of textured green glass with a timeless curve and elegance. The space, like the bottle, is classic and elegant with an updated modern simplicity. Some of the design elements evoke the image of Coca Cola, while other elements happen on a ‘subconscious’ level. The green glass of the office side-lites and the red accent color are direct images from Coca Cola marketing. On axis with the lobby are hallway walls that are curved, inferring the image of the Coca Cola trademark. The ‘wave’ is also reflected above in the coved ceiling in the lobby. The fabric wallcovering and texture in the glass, when examined closely, suggests ‘bubbles’ floating on the surface. The pop-top of the bottle is reminiscent in the metal door and window frames as well as the metal sconces and lighting. The lobby flooring contains white and gray marble set in elongated triangular shapes. The north exterior facade of the building is at an angle to the core. The lobby floors become an axis or elbow of the space and are elegantly skewed to make the transition between the different angles. The custom millwork throughout provides areas for necessary storage and display areas for numerous awards and artwork. The project was a clean, well-functioning space with emphasis on detail occupying a full floor in the Waterford Tower building in the Blue Lagoon area of Miami.